About me

Hello! My name is Gustavo Vèlez, and I am a photographer and graphic designer originally from Chile. Since childhood, I have been captivated by the art of capturing moments through the lens of a camera. What started as a hobby while studying law and later design, blossomed into a passion that has become my livelihood.
Having lived in Spain and Russia, my camera has always been a faithful companion, allowing me to document the diverse and captivating environments around me. As I evolved as a photographer, my passion deepened, and I transformed it into a profession. Currently, I specialize in premium and luxury photography, catering to discerning clients in the automotive industry, real estate, hotels, architecture and corporate product imaging.
My portfolio extends to collaborating with prestigious car dealerships, capturing the essence of luxury properties, and showcasing products for various businesses. I am dedicated to providing a visual narrative that transcends the ordinary, offering a unique perspective that speaks to the sophistication and elegance inherent in premium and luxury aesthetics.
Explore the artistry of visual storytelling with me, where each photograph is a carefully crafted masterpiece, capturing the essence of opulence and refinement. Elevate your brand or personal imagery to new heights with my expertise. I look forward to creating visually stunning moments that resonate with your distinct style and leave a lasting impression.

M: 458 36 897
e-post: gustavo.velez.h@gmail.com